About Website, digitalanivipractice

Namaste & Hello EveryOne

About Website

Namaste & Hello EveryOne Welcome to Digital AniVi Practice – where animation and video editing come together to create visually stunning content.

In our  Digital AniVi Practice website and blog, where you can learn and create in the exciting fields of UX-UI design, video editing, animation graphic design, and motion graphic design.

Our platform is designed to help you develop your skills in responsive design for apps and websites using Figma. Join us today and start exploring the world of design!

The world of design is constantly evolving, but this platform will ensure its users stay updated according to industry standards.

In Digital AniVipractice website, users can discover upcoming trends in animation, video editing, video creation, and graphics design. By incorporating eye-catching animation, users can impress their clients when delivering their projects. Even students in schools and universities must have a basic understanding of animation and video editing to complete their assignments. These skills are becoming increasingly essential to all age groups as we live in an era where learning is a lifelong process. The more you acquire these skills or any other emerging skills, the more they will enhance your career prospects.

Figma is an excellent tool for crafting impressive UX-UI resume formats.

About Me

Currently, I’m employed as a UX-UI Graphic Web Designer at a company. I utilized Figma to design the responsive layout for E.com’s website. I began by creating web layouts in Figma and then proceeded with UX documentation work to understand user pain points and requirements. Afterwards, I moved on to the UI aspect of the design by incorporating visually appealing elements such as banners, fonts, typography, color themes, and style guides using Figma. In addition, I edited products in Photoshop and uploaded them to websites. I also created categories and subcategories for various brands’ products and uploaded them to the website using two methods- the backend and Excel.

  • In 2022, I completed a UI-UX course that taught me about responsive designing for apps and websites. Prior to UI-UX, I enrolled in a video editing course and learned about the filmmaking process. I even had the opportunity to make short movies and videos by visiting shooting fields.
post-production digitalaivipractice

Before video editing, I trained in 3D animation and worked on a few projects to explore the field. I currently work at a production house after being selected through a campus selection process that included an interview and a physical 3D animation test.

Light Box For 2d Animation, digitalanivipracticeb

I previously completed a 2D traditional animation course from MAAC, which included freehand drawing exercises, basic drawing exercises, measuring objects for portraits, positive and negative drawing exercises, shading, and perspective exercises. My 2D animation was done on a lightbox and tested using a pencil test. Digital AniVipractice

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