Indian History can be classified into three periods:

Ancient India.

Indian History may be categorized into 3 periods:

  • Ancient India.
  • Medieval India.
  • Modern India.

Ancient India refers to the period of Indian history that extends from the earliest known human settlements. The Indian subcontinent to the beginning of the medieval period, roughly from around 2500 BCE to 600 CE. This era was marked by significant developments in various fields, including religion, philosophy, science, art, and governance. Here are some key aspects of ancient India:

Indus Valley Civilization (c. 2500-1500 BCE):

The Indus Valley Civilization, additionally referred to as the Harappan Civilization, became one of the world’s earliest city civilizations.

It thrived in what’s now India and Pakistan and featured well-deliberate towns with superior sanitation systems.

The civilization had a script that stayed undeciphered, and its way of life is characterized by one-of-a-kind artifacts like seals with inscriptions, pottery, and jewelry.

Vedic Period (c. 1500-600 BCE):

The Vedic period saw the composition of the ancient religious texts known as the Vedas.

It was a time of significant religious and philosophical development, with the emergence of Hinduism and the concept of karma and dharma.

The caste system, which would have a profound influence on Indian society, began to take shape during this time.

Maurya Empire (c. 322-185 BCE):

The Maurya Empire, under the leadership of Chandragupta Maurya and his grandson Ashoka the Great, was one of the first major empires in ancient India.

Ashoka is particularly known for his conversion to Buddhism and his efforts to spread the teachings of Buddha through his inscriptions and edicts.

Gupta Empire (c. 320-550 CE):

The Gupta Empire is often referred to as the “Golden Age of India” due to its flourishing arts, literature, science, and mathematics.

This period witnessed notable achievements in mathematics by scholars like Aryabhata and the development of the decimal numeral system.

The Gupta rulers were great patrons of art and culture, and the classical Indian dance form of Kathak evolved during this time.

Buddhism and Jainism:

Buddhism and Jainism, founded by Gautama Buddha and Mahavira, respectively, originated in ancient India.

Both religions emphasized non-violence (ahimsa), ethical living, and spiritual enlightenment.

Buddhism, in particular, spread across Asia and had a profound impact on the culture and philosophy of many countries.

Trade and Cultural Exchange:

Ancient India was a hub of trade, with links to the Roman Empire, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East through the famous Silk Road.

This facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultural influences, leading to the enrichment of Indian culture.

Art and Architecture:

Ancient India is renowned for its architecture, including rock-cut temples like the Ajanta and Ellora Caves.

The period also produced beautiful sculptures, such as the famous “Dancing Girl” of the Indus Valley and the sculptures of Sanchi Stupa.


Ancient India produced a rich body of literature, including epics like the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, as well as classical texts like the Arthashastra and the Manusmriti.

Ancient India laid the foundation for many aspects of modern Indian culture and society. It was a period of great intellectual and cultural achievements that continue to influence India and the world today.

What is a Vlog?

What is a Vlog. digitalanivipracticeb

What is a Vlog?

In this article, I am going to tell you about vlog

A vlog, short for “video blog,” is a form of a blog or online video content that features an individual. A group of people documenting their life, experiences, interests, or expertise through video. Vlogs typically consist of a series of video entries or episodes that are published regularly, often on platforms like YouTube or social media channels.

In a vlog, creators use video to share personal stories, insights, opinions, tutorials, travel experiences, daily routines, or any other topic of interest. Vlogs can vary widely in content and style, ranging from casual and conversational to highly produced and polished.

Vloggers may use a combination of filming themselves directly (talking head style) and capturing footage of their surroundings or activities. Incorporating music or graphics, and editing techniques to create engaging and entertaining video content for their audience.

Professional vlog editing involves the use of advanced editing techniques. To enhance the quality, storytelling, and visual appeal of vlog content. Here are some key aspects of professional vlog editing:


Plan the structure and flow of the vlog by creating a storyboard or outline to ensure a coherent narrative. Structure your vlog with a clear beginning, middle, and end to engage viewers. Keep them invested in your content. Establish a clear story arc for manual visitors through the vlog, creating a sense of progression.

High-Quality Footage:

Start with high-quality video footage captured using professional cameras or smartphones with good resolution and stability.

Color Correction and Grading:

Enhance the visual appeal of the footage by adjusting colors, contrast, and brightness. To achieve a consistent look throughout the vlog. Apply color grading techniques to adjust the color and tone of your footage, creating a consistent look and enhancing visual appeal. Experiment with contrast, saturation, and color temperature to achieve the desired aesthetic.

Jump Cuts:

Jump cuts are a common editing technique in vlogs where consecutive shots are edited together. To create a seamless flow while removing pauses or unnecessary footage.

B-Roll Footage:

Incorporate B-roll footage to add context, visual interest, and storytelling elements to your vlog. B-roll can include establishing shots, close-ups, and footage of relevant activities or environments.

Audio Editing:

Clean up audio recordings, remove background noise, and adjust levels to ensure clear and balanced sound quality.


Use smooth transitions between clips to create seamless transitions and maintain viewer engagement. Use transitions between clips to enhance the visual appeal and continuity of your vlog. Common transition effects include fades, wipes, zooms, and slide transitions.

Graphics and Text:

Incorporate graphics, text overlays, and animations to provide context, highlight key points, or add visual interest. Incorporate text overlays, titles, and graphics to provide context, information, or emphasis in your vlog. Use text animations and graphic elements to add visual interest and reinforce key points.

Music and Sound Effects:

Add background music and sound effects to enhance the mood and atmosphere of the vlog, but ensure they complement the content without overpowering it.

Pacing and Rhythm:

Maintain a dynamic pace by varying the length and speed of clips, ensuring the vlog flows smoothly and keeps viewers engaged.

Special Effects:

Apply special effects sparingly to enhance storytelling or emphasize key moments in the vlog, but avoid excessive use that may distract from the content.

Final Touches:

Review the edited vlog for consistency, continuity, and overall quality, making any necessary adjustments before exporting the final version for publishing.

Mastering video editing is crucial for beginners to elevate their skills and streamline their processes. While it may seem daunting initially, implementing the right techniques can significantly enhance the editing experience. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll explore ten essential video editing tips and tricks.

These tips cover various aspects, from selecting the appropriate editing software to understanding the nuances of scene cuts and audio-visual synchronization. Whether you’re working on films, vlogs, documentaries, or creative projects, these tips are universally applicable and will undoubtedly improve the quality of your video content.

We emphasize the importance of choosing the right video editing software, and you’ll find links to our top three recommendations below for your convenience. Dive into the world of video editing with confidence, armed with these invaluable tips and tricks.

By incorporating these vlog editing techniques into your workflow, you can create compelling and professional-looking vlogs that captivate and entertain your audience.


By applying these professional editing techniques, vloggers can elevate their content to a higher standard. Attracting and retaining viewers while conveying their message effectively.

Vlogs have become a powerful medium for personal expression, storytelling, and content creation in the digital age. They offer individuals and creators a platform to share their experiences, thoughts, and perspectives with a global audience in an engaging and authentic manner.

As a versatile form of multimedia content, vlogs cater to a wide range of interests and niches, spanning from lifestyle and travel to education, entertainment, and beyond. With the rise of social media platforms and video-sharing websites. Vlogs have become increasingly popular and accessible, allowing creators to connect with viewers on a personal level and build communities around shared interests.

Moreover, vlogs provide opportunities for creativity, experimentation, and self-expression, empowering individuals to showcase their unique personalities and talents while exploring diverse topics and formats. Vloggers have the freedom to craft compelling narratives and engage audiences through captivating. Visuals, storytelling techniques, and interactive elements, whether through daily vlogs, themed series, or special event coverage.

In essence, vlogs have revolutionized the way we consume and interact with digital media, offering a window into the lives and experiences of creators from around the world. As the medium continues to evolve and innovate, vlogs will undoubtedly remain a cornerstone of online content creation, inspiring and entertaining audiences for years to come.

Bharat ( History of India Flag After 1947 to till Present).

Indian Republic Day 2024, digitalanivipracticeb

Bharat (History of India Flag After 1947 to Present). After gaining independence from British rule on August 15, 1947. India followed its first country-wide flag. The flag of India has remained fairly unchanged seeing that then, with the subsequent key features:

After gaining independence from British rule on August 15, 1947. India followed its first country-wide flag. The Ashoka Chakra had ancient importance because it was taken from the Lion Capital of Ashoka, a historic Indian pillar.

Flag of 1949-present: On January 26, 1950, the Constitution of India came into effect, and therefore India became a republic. The flag’s layout became formally followed because of the country-wide flag on this day. The flag’s proportions were standardized to 2:3, and the use of the flag has become regulated with the useful resource of the Indian Flag Code.

The modern countrywide flag of India includes 3 horizontal stripes of identical width. From pinnacle to bottom, the colors are saffron, white, and green. The saffron stripe represents braveness and sacrifice. The white stripe symbolizes reality and purity, and the inexperienced stripe indicates fertility and growth. In the center of the white stripe, there is the Ashoka Chakra in navy blue, which has 24 spokes.

The Ashoka Chakra is additionally called the “Dharma Chakra. It is an illustration of the everlasting wheel of regulation and righteousness. It was inspired after that with the resource of the use of the Lion Capital of Ashoka, which is a sculpture of the Mauryan length, and modified into follows due to the fact of the countrywide logo of India.

The Indian flag is a photo of the country’s pride and sovereignty and is flown at several public houses and legit activities for the duration of the country.

History of India FlagIt represents the beliefs of unity, diversity, and development that India upholds as a nation. The Indian flag is a photo of the country’s pride and sovereignty and is flown at several public houses and legit activities for the duration of the country.

The track Jana-Gana-mana, was composed at first in Bangla via way of means of Rabindranath Tagore. Became followed in its Hindi model via way of means of the Constituent Assembly because of the National Anthem of India on January 24, 1950. History of India Flag. The Indian flag is a photo of the country’s pride and sovereignty. It is flown at several public houses and legit activities for the duration of the country. The entire tune includes 5 stanzas.
The gambling time of the entire model of the National Anthem is about fifty-two seconds.

National Emblem – The National Emblem of India is an official symbol that represents the sovereignty and identity of the country. It was observed on January 26, 1950. The same day the Constitution of India was given into effect and the U.S. became a republic. The National Emblem of India is an adaptation of the Lion Capital of Ashoka, an ancient sculpture from the 3rd century BCE.

Key functions of the National Emblem of India:

  1. Lion Capital of Ashoka: The National Emblem is derived from the Lion Capital of Ashoka. Emperor Ashoka first erected it sooner or later in his reign. The Lion Capital changed into a part of a pillar that stood at Sarnath, close to Varanasi (in present-day Uttar Pradesh, India). It is now preserved inside the Sarnath Museum.
  2. Four Lions: The emblem consists of four Asiatic lions standing back to back. The lions are mounted on a circular abacus, which represents the wheel of law (Dharma Chakra). Each lion is going through one of the 4 cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west). Symbolizing the unfolding of Ashoka’s dharma in all directions.
  3. Dharma Chakra: At the center of the abacus, there can be the Ashoka Chakra. A wheel with 24 spokes. The wheel represents the “wheel of law” or “wheel of righteousness,” and it symbolizes the everlasting cycle of life, death, and rebirth, in addition to the ideas of righteousness.
  4. Bull, Horse, Lion, and Elephant: Below the abacus, there are four animals depicted in a frieze. Separated through a manner of way intervening wheels. These animals constitute special stages of Buddha’s existence and feature symbolic importance in Buddhism.
    • The bull symbolizes the inaugural sermon of the Buddha at Sarnath.
    • The horse represents Buddha’s royal trip leaving the palace after renouncing worldly pleasures.
    • The lion represents Buddha’s victory over lack of understanding and the following established order of the dharma.
    • The elephant represents the Buddha’s mom dreaming of a white elephant earlier than his birth.
The National Emblem of India is used on diverse respectable documents, authorities buildings, and forex notes. It serves as an illustration of India’s historical heritage, cultural unity, and the concepts of justice, equality, and righteousness. It is an important national symbol that evokes a sense of pride and identity among Indians.

What is UX in Real Life? Define UX in Real Life Example.

High Fidelity Wireframes, digitalanivipractice

UX in real life example

In real life, UX (User Experience) refers to the overall experience. A person has when interacting with a product, service, or system in the physical or digital world. It encompasses all aspects of a user’s interaction, perceptions, emotions, and responses. While using or engaging with a particular product or service.

UX design aims to create a positive and seamless experience for users, focusing on understanding their needs, behaviors, and preferences. It involves careful consideration of various elements. Such as the product’s functionality, ease of use, accessibility, aesthetics, and the overall satisfaction users derive from their interactions.
In real-life scenarios, UX can be found in numerous applications, devices, and services, including:
  1. Mobile apps: A well-designed mobile app offers a user-friendly interface, intuitive navigation, and clear content presentation. Making it easy for users to accomplish their tasks efficiently.
  2. Websites: UX design in websites ensures that visitors can easily find information, navigate between pages, and complete desired actions. Leading to a positive impression and increased engagement.
  3. Physical products: In the context of physical products. UX includes factors like ergonomic design, clear instructions, and enjoyable interactions with the product.
  4. Retail environments: UX in retail involves creating a pleasant and user-friendly shopping experience, from store layout to product displays and checkout processes.
  5. Customer service: UX also extends to customer support, ensuring that users have a smooth and satisfactory experience when seeking help or resolving issues.
  6. Public transportation: In transportation systems, UX considerations can enhance the user experience by focusing on factors like ease of ticketing, clear signage, and comfortable waiting areas.
  7. Human-computer interfaces: UX design plays a crucial role in designing user interfaces for software applications and operating systems, making them intuitive and efficient to use.
  8. Gaming: In the gaming industry, UX design ensures that players have an engaging and immersive experience, with intuitive controls and meaningful interactions.
In summary, UX in real life is all about crafting experiences that are enjoyable, efficient, and meaningful for users across a wide range of products and services, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Define UX in Real Life Example.

Let’s consider a real-life example of UX in the context of a mobile banking app.

Imagine you are a user who wants to check your account balance, transfer funds, and pay bills using your bank’s mobile app. A well-designed UX in this scenario would provide you with a seamless and pleasant experience, making these tasks easy and efficient to accomplish. Here’s how the UX principles might manifest in this app:

  1. Intuitive Navigation: The app’s navigation is straightforward and well-organized, with clear labels and icons. That guides you to the specific functions you need. You can easily find the “Account Balance,” “Transfers,” and “Bill Pay” sections without any confusion.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: The user interface is clean, uncluttered, and visually appealing. The app avoids overwhelming you with unnecessary information and presents only the relevant options for each task.
  3. Efficient Onboarding: When you first download the app, the onboarding process is smooth and asks for minimal essential information. It ensures that you can quickly set up your account and start using the app.
  4. Streamlined Account Access: The app implements secure and user-friendly login methods, such as fingerprint or facial recognition. To access your account swiftly without needing to enter lengthy credentials each time.
  5. Clear Feedback and Error Handling: The app provides clear feedback on successful actions and gracefully handles errors, offering helpful error messages with instructions on how to correct them.
  6. Fast and Responsive: The app is optimized for speed and responsiveness, so there is minimal waiting time when navigating through various screens or completing transactions.
  7. Personalization: The app offers personalized features based on your preferences and transaction history, such as providing insights into your spending habits or suggesting money-saving tips.
  8. Accessibility: The app ensures accessibility for all users, including those with disabilities, by offering features like text-to-speech, adjustable font sizes, and high-contrast modes.
  9. Security: The app prioritizes security, using encryption and other measures to safeguard your financial data and protect against potential threats.
  10. Support and Help: If you encounter any issues or have questions. The app offers easily accessible customer support options, including chat, email, or a helpline.
By incorporating these UX principles, the mobile banking app creates a positive and satisfying experience. For its users, enhancing their trust and loyalty to the bank’s services. A well-designed UX in this scenario can significantly impact a user’s perception of the bank and their willingness to use the app regularly for their financial needs.

What is UX and is UI UX a good career

What is UX? digitalanivipractice

What is UX

UX stands for User Experience. It is a broad field that encompasses all aspects of an end user’s interaction with a product, system, or service. UX design aims to create products that are useful, easy to use, and provide a meaningful and enjoyable experience to the user.

Here are a few key additives of UX:

  1. User-Centered Design: UX design starts with understanding the users’ needs, preferences, and behaviors. This involves conducting user research, creating user personas, and empathizing with the target audience.
  2. Usability: A major focus of is ensuring that a product is easy to use and navigate. This involves designing intuitive interfaces, clear navigation paths, and minimizing user frustration.
  3. Information Architecture: This involves organizing and structuring information in a way that makes it easy for users to find what they need. It includes creating sitemaps and designing effective navigation menus.
  4. Interaction Design: Designers work on the interactive elements of a product, such as buttons, forms, and menus. They ensure these elements are user-friendly and contribute to a smooth and efficient user experience.
  5. Visual Design: While often associated more with UI (User Interface) design, visual design also plays a role in it. It includes aspects like color schemes, typography, and imagery that contribute to the overall look and feel of the product.
  6. Accessibility: Ensuring that a product is accessible to users with disabilities is a key consideration in UX. This involves following accessibility guidelines and making accommodations for individuals with various needs.
  7. User Testing: UX designers conduct usability testing to gather feedback from real users. This allows the discovery of usability troubles and regions for development inside the design.
  8. Iterative Design: UX is an iterative process. Designers continually gather feedback, improve, and test again to create the best possible user experience.
  9. User Satisfaction: Ultimately, the goal of UX design is to create products that leave users satisfied and fulfilled after their interactions. Happy users are more likely to become loyal customers and recommend the product to others.

Is UX a good career 2024

UX (User Experience) is considered a promising and rapidly growing field, and this trend will likely continue into 2024. Here are some reasons why it can be considered a good career:

  1. Increasing Demand: The demand for UX professionals has been consistently growing as businesses recognize the importance of delivering positive user experiences. As companies strive to stay competitive, they invest in creating products and services that users find easy to use and enjoyable.
  2. Diverse Opportunities: UX spans various industries, including technology, healthcare, finance, and e-commerce. This diversity allows professionals to explore different sectors and apply their skills to a wide range of projects.
  3. Remote Work Opportunities: The COVID-19 pandemic has improved the recognition of far-flung work. UX professionals often have the flexibility to work remotely, providing them with more job opportunities and a better work-life balance.
  4. Continuous Innovation: The tech industry is dynamic, with constant advancements and new technologies. UX professionals are at the forefront of innovation, working on emerging technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, and voice interfaces.
  5. Competitive Salaries: Skilled UX professionals are often well-compensated for their expertise. Salaries can range primarily based totally on elements which include experience, location, and the particular industry.
  6. Collaborative Environment: Its design involves collaboration with cross-functional teams, including developers, product managers, and marketers. This collaborative approach allows professionals to work in diverse and dynamic teams.
  7. Growing Influence: The role of UX in decision-making processes has been increasing. UX professionals often contribute to strategic decisions, and some even hold leadership positions within organizations.
  8. Job Satisfaction: Creating positive user experiences and seeing the impact of your work on the end-users can be highly rewarding. UX professionals often find satisfaction in knowing that they contribute to making products more user-friendly and enjoyable.
  9. Continuous Learning: IT is a field that encourages continuous learning. As technology evolves, It is professionals have the opportunity to stay updated on the latest trends, tools, and methodologies.
  10. Global Demand: The skills of UX professionals are in demand globally. This provides the opportunity for professionals to work for international companies or as freelancers serving clients from different parts of the world.
However, it’s essential to note that the job market and industry dynamics can change. It’s advisable to keep abreast of the latest trends, continuously update skills, and be adaptable to changes in the field. Consider checking more recent sources for the latest information on the state of the UX job market in 2024.
UX-UI Design
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